University Students Forced To Wear Anti-Cheating Blinkers
Students in Bangkok’s Kasetsart University have been forced to wear anti-cheating blinkers to prevent them from cheating during exams.
Husband Built Stone Tree In Memory of His Wife
This beautiful dry stone structure built by Eric Landman with the help of his eldest son Jordan, as well as many other friends and family, to honor the the life of his beloved wife who sadly passed away from cancer.
Funny Food Art Using Potatoes
German artist Peter Pink has got amazing sense of humor and he creatively convey the message using food. I recently published funny potatoes artwork and here is some more funny food artwork using potato and banana.
Little Kid’s Encounter with Giant Polar Bear
Two year old Laura sits in front of the polar bear enclosure at zoo Wilhelma in Stuttgart, Germany. Some more amazing encounters have been featured in the past like toddler gazes at giant manatee and close encounter with lioness.
Portraits Emerge From Spilled Liquids
Selt-taught freelance artist Vivi Mac has created a series of incredible portraits emerge from spilled liquids. Without having any format art training she creates extremely detailed images out of anything including barbecue sauce, chocolate milk, caramel sauce, crushed ice and salt and even rum.
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