Cessna Light Aircraft Converted Into A Car
Car-enthusiast cop Jeff Bloch has converted an abandoned Cessna aircraft into a car. Using parts from a Toyota van Jeff even takes the vehicle through drive throughs and fills up at petrol stations. The car reached top speeds of 70mph at a South Carolina race.
The Art of Clean Up: Sorting and Stacking Everyday Objects
Are you one of those people who like to keep everything in order? If you do, you’re going to love the project The Art of Clean Up, created by Ursus Wehrli. This guy will perfectly organize the most unusual of places! Do you hate how…
Happy New Year 2015
Students celebrate the forthcoming new year at Shenyang Agricultural University in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China. 2015 is the “Year of the Sheep” in China, as illustrated by this student in eastern Shandong province.
Every Christmas, This Photographer Turns His Dog Into Different Animals
Photographer Peter Thorpe has a little tradition of creating Christmas cards, every holiday season, featuring his dogs as different animals in highly structured handmade scenes. He started this tradition 20 years ago with his dog Paddy, and now continues with Raggle. But it seems like…
Hawk’s Hilarious Reaction When He Gets Photobombed By A Flying Wasp
What’s more annoying than when you’ve preened and groomed, ready to pose for that perfect portrait… only to have it photobombed by an idiot? No wonder this hawk looks so cheesed off after a wasp flew into frame just as he was about to have…
Creative Father Makes Funny Eyepatch Doodles For His Daughter
Father and redditor, nicknamed Gfgrubb, tries to make the best out of a bad situation by doodling cute little drawings on his daughter’s eyepatch. According to her father, Layla was born with a small cataract that clouds the vision in her right eye. In order…
Giant Bird-Shaped Figure Appeared In The Sky
Sherrie Abbott was driving to see her sister Georgina Barron when a winged figure appeared in the sky. The carer quickly told her daughter Laranca Cunningham, 17, to snap a picture of the celestial vision which hung in the otherwise cloudless sky for 30 minutes.
Giant Scorpion-Shaped Wooden Chair
Russian artist Vyacheslav Pakhomov created this giant wooden chair shaped like a scorpion. This handcrafted scorpion chair measures in at six and a half feet and is available with leather upholstery and a variety of wood finishes.
Orangutan Using Banana Leaf To Protect From The Rain
Photographer Andrew Suryono captured this amazing photo of an orangutan using a banana leaf to shield itself from the rain in Bali. “I was taking pictures of some orangutans in Bali and then it started to rain. Just before I put my camera away, I…
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