People Blend Themselves in with Book Covers – Part 2
Previously shared creative people blend themselves in with book covers, and today I am sharing some more photos of the same series. The photo series Corpus Libris was created by Emily Pullen who once grabbed a book, on a bored Thursday night at Skylight Books…
Barack Obama And Vladimir Putin Images on Potatoes
Potatoes decorated in the likeness of Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama by cartoon artists Daria Chebunina and Tatiana Mironenko are on display at a food fair in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, on September 20, 2014.
Artist Cuts Hair Into Photo-Realistic Portraits
Roberto Perez, better known as Rob the Original, is a San Antonio, Texas-based contemporary artist and hair stylist who uses his clients’ hair as his canvas. Perez, an excellent representative of the growing BarberArt movement, cuts, shaves, and dyes hair to create photo-realistic portraits, beautiful…
Indian Teenage Girl Marries A Dog To Ward Off Evil Spirit
18 Years old Indian girl Mangli Munda was told by village elders that she was cursed with bad luck and to lift the spell permanently she was ordered to marry a dog because if she marries a man it would bring destruction to the family…
Adorable Baby Dressed Up Like Popular TV Show Characters
California-based photographer Karen Abad dressed her friend Cristina’s baby Olivia in outfits similar to those worn by lead characters on popular television shows like “Game of Thrones”, “Breaking Bad” and “The Walking Dead”.
Beautiful Heart-Shaped Wave
A heart shaped wave snapped on Seal Beach, California by Chad Wells. Check out some more human-made and natural heart shape formations previously featured on InspireFusion.
Paper-cut Illustrations by Eiko Ojala – Part 2
Previously featured some great paper-cut illustrations by Estonian graphic designer Eiko Ojala, in this post sharing some more paper-cut illustrations with amazing three dimensional effects.
Funny & Cute Animals Doing Yoga
While yoga relaxes your mind and body, these pets will make you laugh and be stress-free. They may not be all doing yoga, but the similarity between their poses and a few popular yoga stretches is exceptional.
Elegant Drawing of Girls Wearing Dresses Made of Real Flower Petals
Malaysian artist Lim Zhi Wei creates beautiful series of illustrations blended with real flower petals. Her series titled “Flower Girls” is a delicate collection of graceful female form gorgeously layered dresses and gowns made out of everything from orchids, roses, and leaves.
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