The Titan Beetle – World’s Biggest Beetle
This mysterious creature is known as the Titan beetle, one of the strongest beetle that can grow up to seven inches long. It can easy snap a wooden pencil in two with its jaws.
Colonel Meow – The Cat with World’s Longest Fur
Colonel Meow – a Himallayan-Persian cross-breed cat from Los Angeles, California is now the officially announced cat with world’s longest fur. Two-year-old Colonel Meow’s hair reaches an astonishing 9 inches (23cm) is now being recognised in the new Guinness World Records 2014 book
Bizarre Baby Goat Drowning Ritual in Nepal
Men hold on to a goat during an annual Hindu festival ritual in Khokana village on the outskirts of Katmandu. In the ritual, a female baby goat is thrown into a pond as local men in teams compete to kill it, with the belief that…
Watermelon Mask
An unknown man spotted wearing funny-looking watermelon mask at the Woodstock Festival, near Polish-German border. Check out some more funny and scary masks here and here.
Father Carrying His Child in Bag
A man carried his child in a bag as he crossed a street in Bhubaneswar, India. Another father also captured photo of his four-days-old daughter sleeping in his helmet. These kids looking so cute isn’t it? 🙂
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