“Crystal Frog” Discovered In The Forest of Costa Rica
This “Crystal Frog” was discovered by US biologist Brian Kubicki and Costa Ricans Stanley Salazar and Robert Puschendorf in a rainy forest of Costa Rican caribbean after 40 years without notice of any new example of this kind.
Tortoise Gets Wheels In Place Of Injured Legs
Mrs. T the tortoise suffered appalling injuries when her limbs were partially eaten by a rat. Owners Dale Sinclair-Jones and Linzi James of Pembroke, west Wales have had a set of wheels made to help Mrs. T get about. She can now move twice as…
Cute Polar Bear Cubs With Mother
Two polar bear cubs snuggle up to their mother to keep warm in temperatures reaching -50C. Photographer Andy Skillen tracked down the family at Wapusk National Park in Manitoba, Canada, following their movements for two days.
Children Forming Giant Reef Fish On A Beach In Hong Kong
Children form a reef fish on a beach in Hong Kong on the 3rd annual Kids Ocean Day. The event is aimed at raising awareness of seas protection and the conservation of coral reef worldwide. Picture: PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images
Car-Shaped Formation of Kites
People fly their kites to form the shape of a car in the sky on the beach in Berck, northern France, during the 29th “Rencontres Internationales de Cerfs Volants” (International Kite Meeting) which runs from April 18 to 26.
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