Celebrity Portraits Made From Corn Flakes Cereal Lauryn Hill portrait made from Corn Flakes cereal.

New York City artist Sarah Rosado has created celebrity portraits out of corn flakes cereals. The depictions are really very good and typically don’t need a caption for you to figure out who they are. It takes her about 6 to 8 hours to complete each portrait.

“One morning, I remember eating cornflakes and listening to the Beatles’ song [“Eleanor Rigby”] and at that moment I was struck with the idea to create images of my favorite artists with the cereal,”

“There’s a lot of effort that goes into creating each one,” she explained. “The cereal has to be crushed into very tiny pieces for the special features such as the eyes, nose, mouth, etc. It’s almost like working with a broken puzzle; each bit and piece has to have the right size to fit perfectly.” she told The Huffington Post.

Michael Jackson

Celebrity Portraits Made From Corn Flakes Cereal

Amy Winehouse

Celebrity Portraits Made From Corn Flakes Cereal


Celebrity Portraits Made From Corn Flakes Cereal

Alicia Keys

Celebrity Portraits Made From Corn Flakes Cereal

Bob Marley

Celebrity Portraits Made From Corn Flakes Cereal

John Lennon

Celebrity Portraits Made From Corn Flakes Cereal


Celebrity Portraits Made From Corn Flakes Cereal


Celebrity Portraits Made From Corn Flakes Cereal

Michael Jackson

Celebrity Portraits Made From Corn Flakes Cereal

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