Funny Illustrations by Flying Mouse

These funny and creative illustrations designed by Malaysian t-shirt designer/illustrator Chow Hon Lam aka Flying Mouse. He has completed his project called Flying Mouse 365, which is creative 1 design a day, 365 designs a year.

His amazing humorous and inspiring artwork was featured in the past, see here. Today I am sharing the part 2 of it with some more witty and artistic illustrations from him.

Funny Illustrations

Creative Illustrations by Chow Hon Lam

Humorous Illustrations

Flying Mouse Illustrations

Funny Illustrations by Chow Hon Lam

Interesting Illustrations

Interesting & Humorous Illustrations

Interesting & Humorous Illustrations

Interesting & Humorous Illustrations

Interesting & Humorous Illustrations

Interesting & Humorous Illustrations

You can see more of his prints and t-shirt designs on his website

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